For the educational platform Universarium, more than 60 online courses have been created in cooperation with leading Russian higher educational institutions and companies.
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For the educational platform Universarium, more than 60 online courses have been created in cooperation with leading Russian higher educational institutions and companies.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Mail.Ru Group
Wargaming CIS
Far Eastern Federal University - FEFU
The Russian Navy in the War with Japan 1904 - 1905.
Tips for those who want to start their own business
How to meet the queen, or the protocol of PR-events
The Sherlock Holmes Scientific Method: Observe, Argue, Evaluate
International Law and the Challenges of the 21st Century: Understanding and Application
Ho Chi Minh Trail: Around the world in 5 hours
The Archaeology of Nomadic Empires
Business communication in export activities
Legal support for an export project
Introduction to exports. State support for exports
Modern Education: Challenges and Reality
Leadership and Personal Effectiveness
The modern lesson as a space for the formation of meta-disciplinary learning outcomes
Modern Approaches to Teaching Psychology in Schools
The Digital Generation: Teaching and Learning Technologies
Psychological and pedagogical staging of educational activities as part of the implementation of the FSES GS
Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies
Psychology and Pedagogy of Human Cybersocialization
Drawing a theater character
The world of Russian huts and Russian toys
Read your city
Managing a kindergarten during the transition to the FGOS of preschool education
Modern strategies for the implementation of preschool education
Organization of physical and health-improving work in a preschool educational organization
Introduction to Mindfulness Practices